I was building the src rpm of the jupiter applet, well trying I have never done it before.
Following this guide http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archiv...php/t-379.html
However when I attempt to run rpmbuild I am told it does not exist, the article was from 2004 has the command been replaced?
This was my output.
Following this guide http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archiv...php/t-379.html
However when I attempt to run rpmbuild I am told it does not exist, the article was from 2004 has the command been replaced?
This was my output.
[sayth@renshawfamily Downloads]$ cd /usr/src/redhat
[sayth@renshawfamily redhat]$ rpmbuild --rebuild --target x86_64 --define "kernel 3.6.9-4.fc18" ~/Downloads/jupiter-0.1.9-1.src.rpm
bash: rpmbuild: command not found...
[sayth@renshawfamily redhat]$