I am trying to switch from VirtualBox to Vmware - Vmware is incredibly faster - but have hit a snag. Vmware installed successfully. The only option I used was --console when loading. Guest is wixXP SP3 and all works fine. The issue is on the Linux host side there is no network available. The guest network works fine and shows the private ip address used for NAT. In the FC16 host I show no connections at all and get the error "the system network services are not compatible with this version". The interesting part is I am accessing this forum thru Firefox on the Host. When I try to run software updates it comes back and tells me no network connection available. So, the network part seems to be selective in what it serves. Vmware is workstation9.0.2. Host is FC16 and both are 64 bit versions. Has anybody else had this issue and if so how can I get this fixed?