hi guys, first sorry for my english
I'm a newbie about Linux, i've just installed fedora 18.
A friend of mine that use fedora 17 told me that i can open windon terminal in fedora with these shortcats:
CTRL-ALT-F3 -->tty3
CTRL-ALT-F4 -->tty4
CTRL-ALT-F5--> tty5
CTRL-ALT-F6 --> tty6
CTRL-ALT-F1 is occupied by the terminal of the GUI
with ALT-F2 is used to go back to the GUI(like ALT-F7 in ubuntu) so it can't be used
as i told you i have installed fedora 18 and i notice some difference, for example he told me that i can't use the shortuct CTRL-ALT-F2 but i tried and it works!!
the command i tried were:
CTRL-ALT-F2 --> tty2
CTRL-ALT-F3 --> tty3
CTRL-ALT-F4 --> tty4
CTRL-ALT-F5 --> tty5
CTRL-ALT-F5 --> tty5
and all it works
with ALT-F1 we go back to the GUI(like ALT-F7 in ubuntu)
The question is, something has changed from fedora17 to fedora18 or my friends was wrong to describe all that command?
I'm a newbie about Linux, i've just installed fedora 18.
A friend of mine that use fedora 17 told me that i can open windon terminal in fedora with these shortcats:
CTRL-ALT-F3 -->tty3
CTRL-ALT-F4 -->tty4
CTRL-ALT-F5--> tty5
CTRL-ALT-F6 --> tty6
CTRL-ALT-F1 is occupied by the terminal of the GUI
with ALT-F2 is used to go back to the GUI(like ALT-F7 in ubuntu) so it can't be used
as i told you i have installed fedora 18 and i notice some difference, for example he told me that i can't use the shortuct CTRL-ALT-F2 but i tried and it works!!
the command i tried were:
CTRL-ALT-F2 --> tty2
CTRL-ALT-F3 --> tty3
CTRL-ALT-F4 --> tty4
CTRL-ALT-F5 --> tty5
CTRL-ALT-F5 --> tty5
and all it works
with ALT-F1 we go back to the GUI(like ALT-F7 in ubuntu)
The question is, something has changed from fedora17 to fedora18 or my friends was wrong to describe all that command?