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crontab not running as expected

I have a crontab to wake up my laptop in the morning and perform the cron, following
. However, it does wake up at the time I want (06:58 this case), but it does not perform the rest of the scripts. What happened?

[fanw@f18 ~]$ crontab -l
00 23 * * * /home/fanw/crawler/python_scrapy/suspend_until.sh 06:58 >> /home/fanw/CRON.log 2>&1
00 07 * * * /home/fanw/crawler/python_scrapy/python_crawl1.sh >> /home/fanw/CRON.log 2>&1
10 07 * * * /home/fanw/crawler/python_scrapy/python_crawl2.sh >> /home/fanw/CRON.log 2>&1
45 07 * * * /home/fanw/crawler/python_scrapy/sendmail.sh >> /home/fanw/CRON.log 2>&1
50 07 * * * /home/fanw/crawler/python_scrapy/suspend_until.sh 06:58 >> /home/fanw/CRON.log 2>&1
[fanw@f18 ~]$

When I check log /var/log/cron, there is only first task logged, I dont see rest of the jobs. Is there anything wrong? Are these cron run as root or as my username?

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