Channel: FedoraForum.org
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[SOLVED] Virus?

I ran KlavAV and two files come up as suspected viruses, /usr/lib/firmware/vxge/X3fw.ncf and /usr/lib/firmware/vxge/X3fw-pxe.ncf The name of the problem is given as Heuristics.Encrypted/Zip. Is this a...

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GTK themes

Hi everyone, I currently have Fedora 18 with Cinnamon as my desktop, and I'm looking to install GTK themes so I can change how my windows look. I did some searching and have not come up with results...

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500 GB or 1 TB USB drive

I want to put a Luks encrypted file system on an external 1 TB or 500 GB USB 3.0 can anyone who has one of these recommend a good product?

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Issue with Internet Connectivity

I am running Fedora 18 on my HP laptop. When I first start the machine up it connects to the internet fine. It gets assigned an IP address and everything however; when I close my laptop and put it to...

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How do I install openshot or another video editor?

Hello, I have been using Fedora 18 for about 3 months now and I really like it. I have been trying to install openshot video editor and cannot figure it out. I have read all the instructions online and...

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[BASH] Fun Project: CLI/TUI Installer for Fedora

Heyas As I am a CLI lover, without denying the benefits for a GUI, and the recent changes with Anaconda, i'd like to take the challenge for fun and as a hobby enthusiast and write a text based...

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rpm spec file question

This works, but I don't know if it is the proper way to set a macro to the output of a shell command: Code: %define nsprinc `%{_bindir}/nspr-config --includedir` I seem to remember there was a cleaner...

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If you run run both Ubuntu and Fedora

Dear Fedora + Ubuntu user, If you run run both Ubuntu and Fedora, here is a personal experience with Ubuntu users which I think is worth to be shared:...

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GNOME or KDE? The Old Question Is New Today

Things aren't as simple as they used to be... Quote: Should you use KDE or GNOME on your Linux desktop? At first the question sounds obsolete. Where once GNOME and KDE accounted for seventy percent of...

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F18 gnome-mplayer: permanent hard disk access for DVB

Hi, using F18 gnome-mplayer for DVB playback results in annoying permanent hard disk access. Next to this, gnome-mplayer crashes when trying to close it after DVB playback Using mplayer I don't have...

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Evolution hangs when sending or recieving emails

Hi Guys, I installed FC-18 the other day and right now I'm trying to get evolution working. However I'm at a complete loss over a problem that I was hoping you could help me with. Whenever I try to...

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Rookie, and lost. "Where to Start"

Hi, I am new to Linux and Fedora. I'm beginning to think I over rated my skills in computers. I really want to make Linux - Fedora my only OS. But I really need to get the basics down. Is there...

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[SOLVED] HDD Permissions

So I installed Fedora 18 (LXDE version) and used GParted to format and partition the additional hard drives in my desktop to use as bulk storage. I edited the fstab configuration file to get the drives...

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Fedora using /tmp as tmpfs is going to cause problems

I'm noticing that lots of software assume that /tmp is a real HDD hosted directory. For example hadoop uses /tmp/hadoop-user as a staging area and might write huges files there. Some of the CD to flac...

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configure virtual IP

HI all, i'm using Fedora17 on my desktop and i wanted to setup a virtual IP. can some give me step-by-step process to configure a virtual IP? Thanks

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How many distro have you really tried?

We claim to be an adventurous bunch, but how many linux distros have we actually tried? For the sake of some sanity on the subject, use this as a reference point....

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Any experience with JDeveloper?

F18, JDev11123. Installed JDeveloper with no problem. Now I get this message when I try to start it: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:...

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with ATI driver, OpenGL windows don't animate initially

I'm running the KDE spin of Fedora 18 on an AMD 8-core processor, with ATI Radeon HD 7700. I installed (via rpmforge/yum) the proprietary graphics driver. Now, when I try to run (for example) glxgears,...

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crontab not running as expected

I have a crontab to wake up my laptop in the morning and perform the cron, following http://www.osnews.com/story/24111/Wa...for_a_Cron_Job . However, it does wake up at the time I want (06:58 this...

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Development begins on a lightweight KDE version

I'm getting tired of people claiming KDE is bloated and slow, it runs fast enough on my old Core 2 Duo with 4Gb RAM even with desktop effects turned on. But this might be interesting for folks with...

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